Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Professor - Ch. 6.1

Baron’s lower body twitched the instant he saw Aurelia. His pulse sped up. His heart started to pound against his ribs. Blood thundered in his ears as his body chemistry changed to that of a male specimen in heat.

Though it was a bit hard to distinguish Aurelia’s shapely figure in those baggy gray sweats she wore, he’d know her beautiful face anywhere. And those full lips were undeniably familiar. He’d dreamed about those.

Thinking quickly, Baron smoothly blocked the classroom entrance and entered the empty hallway more fully, causing Aurelia to back up in the process. He closed the door behind him for more privacy.

Aurora,” Baron breathed out in a discreet whisper. Desire had his voice huskier than usual. “What are you doing here?”

Had she hunted him down the way he’d wanted to do her? How did she find out where he worked? More importantly, how did his body get so granite so fast? If not for the confines of his tight jeans, he would be saluting her in a most unique way right now. Thankfully Baron’s jacket was long and loose enough to hide the evidence of his desire…for the moment.

“It’s…”Aurelia paused to swallow over the nervous lump that had formed in her throat. “It’s Aurelia, Professor Weaver,” she clarified breathlessly, making the most obvious assumption about him as well. He had to be Dr. Baron Weaver. There was no other way to explain his presence here today or the voice of authority by which she’d heard him speak just a few minutes ago.

“I’m here for class. I apologize for being late this morning. It won’t happen again,” Aurelia continued, speaking just as discreetly as him in the quiet hall. It took everything in her to keep her head up when all she wanted to do was bow it in shame.

She felt like such a skank right now. Did he think she was one? Aurelia couldn’t blame him if he did. If only she could take back that night. It was a mistake. One of her biggest mistakes to date.

“Oh, so you’re Aurelia Bunting,” Baron said, matching the name she’d given him with the full name of the only student marked absent on today’s attendance roster. All the other students had showed up on time. And yet knowing that she was also one of his students did nothing to abate his passion.

“Yes, sir. That’s me,” Aurelia replied as politely and respectfully as she could in this awkward moment. “May I enter the classroom now, Professor?”

Once again, Baron became conflicted inside. It showed on the outside when he shook his head no, but his mouth said, “Yes.”

Aurelia suppressed a dimpled smile in memory of another time he’d been at odds with himself. “Which is it, Professor? Yes or no?” she couldn’t help but ask, inwardly pleased that he was just as unsettled as she was right now. It evened the playing field between them. It also made her relax and feel considerably less like a skank.

“Y…yes,” Baron stammered out, suddenly wishing his libido was dormant again. Aurelia had his hormones in an absolute uproar. His jeans were getting tighter and tighter around the pelvic area, making him even more uncomfortable.

“And please tell the rest of your classmates that I’ll be right back. I need to get something from my office,” Baron added, before quickly moving to the side so that she could access the door.

Liar, Aurelia mused humorously, doubtful that Baron was about to retrieve anything from his office as he hurried down the hallway in the opposite direction. She’d seen that flare of desire in his eyes. She knew what memories her questions had conjured up.

Aurelia also knew about lying for convenience sake. She’d told a few convenient lies of her own over the years. Couldn’t promise not to tell a few more if the situation required it.

One thing Aurelia couldn’t lie about was how good Baron looked in those black jeans. The fact that he was so untraditional in his teaching attire impressed her tremendously. It turned her on.

Although he wore a business-like thigh-length black jacket, white dress shirt, and a black and white patterned tie, it was those jeans that screamed how much of a free thinker he was…and a lover of comfort. When those kinds of traits could be found in a professor, students always seemed to be able to connect with him/her so much better.

In Aurelia’s case, she had connected with Baron on a level that no student should with a professor. And yet it had felt so right.

© 2009 by Mi’Chelle Dodson/Suprina Frazier

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