Friday, April 17, 2009

The Professor - Ch. 13.2

Back at Paula’s condo, she finally went upstairs to her bedroom after her platonic all-nighter with Marquess. A time or two she thought that he was going to kiss her, but he never did. She was relieved and disappointed about that.

Interestingly enough, Paula was in no way regretful about opening her door to Marquess last night. She’d wanted to be there for him. They’d talked for hours about any and everything. Any and everything except for their deepest darkest secrets.

Paula still didn’t know about his herpes diagnosis. And Marquess…well, she could never build up the nerve to tell him that she was less than the perfect female specimen he deemed her to be. That she would never be that epitome of perfection.

It’s better to just let him keep thinking that I’m perfect Paula, she mused, making the hard decision to return to her post-graduation-tryst vow.

That vow: Stay as far away from Marquess Weaver as she could get.

© 2009 by Mi’Chelle Dodson/Suprina Frazier


  1. As I wrote this chapter (Marquess' side story) I kept thinking that he should be glad that he didn't get something more serious from Raven. Everything he got was either curable or highly treatable. Yet Marquess is acting like its the end of the world.

    Hmmm...maybe it is the end of the world for him. More specifically the end of his hedonistic world. Now Marquess has to behave more responsibly with his body. Now he has to REALLY think before acting.

    In a way, I actually admire the man for trying to protect the woman he loves. Some people have diseases and never tell you, leaving it up to you to find out all on your own. That's just not right.

    I heard about this one woman who was dating a man that was HIV positive, knew it and didn't tell her. Y'all, the man had known about his diagnosis for YEARS!

    Long story short, she was able to successfully file charges against him for endangering her life like that. He's still in jail now.

  2. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Be truthful in everything you do.
    Cause if you don't it will all come out at the end... Word from the wise, tell the truth... ALWAYS... Sis, you hit close to home...

  3. Anon: So true. Preach!

    Oh, wait, this isn't one of my inspirational stories. lol. Preach anyway. lol. Somebody needed to hear that.

    Okay, moving on folks... :P

  4. I respect Marques for showing some restraint with his libido. I get the sense that he was not always a promiscuous man. It seems to me that the rejection from Paula forced him to commit crimes against love and respect because of a broken heart.

    I wonder what secrets is my name sake keeping?

  5. Paula: I respect him for that, too. As for Marquess not always being a promiscuous man, put it like this, he's one of those men that will play the field until he falls in love, then he'll be faithful. Since Paula was the only woman he loved, but couldn't have, he continued to play the field even after he married Fran.

    Your namesake (Paula) got a whopper of a secret. Sasha knows about it, but ain't telling.

  6. shame man.... i feel so sad for him... but if you really love someone you learn to put your selfish wants aside - kudos to Marquess!!!!

  7. Kim: Underneath all his bitterness and foolish ways, Marquess really is a good man. A great lawyer, too.

    Paula: I just re-read your post again. I really like that 'crimes against love and respect' part. I'm going to keep that as a heart treasure. Might even find a way to put it in this book, if it's all right with you.
