Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pulling Him Back - Ch. 1.1

Post removed by author.


  1. Latrice4:32 PM

    Racie is a woman after my own heart!!!! She's got some fiya in her!

  2. Latrice: I'm glad you like that fiya. There's lots more where that comes from with Racie. lol

  3. Something that I put in this post got me thinking about how many offenses I've played nursemaid to. Life is too short to hold on to negativity. It's better to let those things go as soon as they touch down in your soul, lest they settle there too long and make you bitter.

    Just something to think about...

  4. A mysterious city slicker and a city girl who traded the rat race for the slow pace of rural life what a combination.

  5. YoTrip: Yes, and so much more.
